4.5 - Take a quiz in "Microaggressions Matter"

  • Due Feb 11 at 11:59pm
  • Points 9
  • Questions 9
  • Time Limit None



Please complete the following quiz, which is basically an online worksheet. Don't worry about it being called a "quiz" - it's not timed and you can (and should) use your article, and the thesis paraphrase materials on Canvas. Yes, this is the same as our last thesis paraphrase quiz!

You will complete the Thesis Paraphrase steps (answering the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How questions) on the article "Microaggressions Matter " You can and should use the article to help! And also use all the guides that you've been reviewing to help too.


Some guides you may wish to review to help:

2.2 - Review Main Idea & Supporting Details

2.4 - Review Identifying the Thesis with 5 Ws

3.1 Watch "Identifying Thesis" Video for walkthrough on 5Ws



A note on grading: The automatic grade often marks quizzes as zero. Don't worry, I will always go back and review your responses, provide feedback, and give you the points back.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes