• Due Nov 2, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Points 30
  • Questions 10
  • Available until Nov 2, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit 60 Minutes


Read the passage. Then choose the correct answer for each question (10 questions in total, 3 points each). IMPORTANT: This section of the Midterm Exam has a time limit of 60 minutes. You can use an English-English dictionary (Longman) if necessary.

China sends a female astronaut to its Tiangong space station for six months  : NPR

Image: China's new space station gets a female astronaut.


A Dream Job in Space

Wang Yaping has a job that lets her travel—all the way to space. Among the three astronauts chosen for the Shenzhou-10 space mission, Wang was the only female. In 2014, she became the second Chinese woman ever to travel into space.

Before becoming an astronaut, Wang was a pilot. However, she has always been interested in space. She watched the first Chinese manned mission into space ten years before her own spaceflight. She said she was proud and excited, but she wondered when a female would travel to space. Now she has achieved her dream.

But it wasn’t easy. Wang had to go through a difficult three years of training to prepare for life in space. "I think the training has helped me grow up . . . and learn how to be part of a team," she said.

In space, Wang did experiments, and even taught a physics lesson to Chinese students. Speaking on live video from 300 kilometers above the Earth, Wang and a fellow astronaut explained physics in zero-gravity. Wang showed how she could push a fellow astronaut around the spacecraft using just her finger. She also drank a drop of water that was floating in the air. Around 60 million students and teachers around China watched the lesson live.

One student asked Wang what she could see in space. She replied, "The stars we see are much brighter, and the sky we see isn't blue, but black. And every day, we can see the sun rise 16 times, because we circle the Earth every 90 minutes."


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